Mines team wins award in NASA’s 2023 BIG Idea Challenge

Mines team wins award in NASA’s 2023 BIG Idea Challenge

A group of students from the Mines Space Resources Graduate program was one of seven teams selected to develop concepts supporting metal production on the Moon in NASA’s 2023 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-Changing (BIG) Idea Challenge.  The proposed Lunar Alloy...
Abbud-Madrid and Mines industrial partner Karman+ in CPR News

Abbud-Madrid and Mines industrial partner Karman+ in CPR News

Angel Abbud-Madrid, Director of the Mines Space Resources Program talked  to Colorado Public Radio, Colorado Matters host Ryan Warner about the rapid growth of the space industry in Colorado.  The interview included startup company and Mines Space Resources program...
Mines moves on to Phase 2 of NASA Break the Ice Lunar Challenge

Mines moves on to Phase 2 of NASA Break the Ice Lunar Challenge

Students from the Space Resources Graduate program at Mines in partnership with Lunar Outpost have advanced to the semifinal level of NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge with their proposed Outpost Digger System (ODS).  The Ice Diggers team was one of 15 teams...